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Kalkonu Travel Agency Costa Rica - weather report

The climate in Costa Rica can be very difficult to for-see, due to microclimates. Besides the general dry time and our green rainy season, many weather applications will indicate a high amount of rainfall often. Nothing to worry about. These occasional showers are a regular occurrence, just as much as the many hours of daily sunlight. The country is situated between two oceans with a very high mountain range separating both, creating a mixture. Known for microclimates, the weather can be difficult to predict as it may change quickly, and from one location to another. Generally during rainy season, we will experience months without any rainfall, with up to 10 hours of direct sunlight. While during the very height of the rainy season, we may have conditions of cloud cover and more continuous rainfall due to Tropical Low-pressure fronts. During average middle seasons, we usually have very sunny days from the morning until the afternoon, with short rainfall during the late afternoon or night times. Both seasons have their own characteristics and favorable circumstances, making it hard to define a perfect season for a visit. A perfect traveling seasons. Additionally, the pacific coast has differences to the Caribbean coast within the seasons. 

We will use our local contacts and experience to adjust your travel plans according to circumstances, ensuring you will spend as much time in the sun as possible .

Please note that our rain is not cold, maybe you find yourself even enjoying it.

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